菊花癖好第 37 節

man妙 / 著
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作者有话说:番外番外了,新鲜的番外聂清远夜之间从个少爷到个普通,告诉,会东山再起的,可是对于那个曾经纵的少爷说,那就是个天堂到地狱的化周围的冷眼,们的背叛,清远的世界在崩塌,没有承接住那部分的缺失,直到...以为那个女是在开笑,是象其样在耍,所以讨厌,也讨厌那女,竟然用追个女的方法追自己,看那样子,装扮,女,很恶心,就是穿女装,那抹影也挥散去那个女眼中的坚决,[.],[会放手的.]有那么瞬间,清远真的象个女样心.往的那个女孩子也只是个挡箭牌吧,在酒吧里,看见影,矫健,昏暗的灯光打在,那,甚至是用镊子冰块的作都是那么优雅,却也带点霸,就象这个样吧清远发现除了鄙夷,也可以对这个产生望,强烈的想占有的望.个女头,为保护而打架,但必须承认,手很捷,毒,个女弱为了自己想的就择手段,觉得这就是这个女.为了,学生会的职位也保,而清远自己也被那个方震天,恶心的同恋,真是流年利,怎么都是些这么奇怪的可是清远管住的是自己的心,[往吧.]当着方震天的面,清远这样的表着,看见卓熠的脸晕,这才让清远觉得是个女.Sheryl Crow - Always On Your Side

My yesterdays are all boxed up and neatly put awayBut every now and then you come to mindCause you were always waiting to be picked to play the gameBut when your name was called, you found a place to hideWhen you knew that I was always on your sideWell everything was easy then, so sweet and innocentBut your demons and your angels reappearedLeavin\' all the traces of the man you thought you\'d beLeavin\' me with no place left to go from hereLeavin\' me so many questions all these yearsBut is there someplace far away, someplace where all is clearEasy to start over with the ones you hold so dearOr are you left to wonder, all alone, eternallyThis isn\'t how it\'s really meant to beNo it isn\'t how it\'s really meant to beWell they say that love is in the air, but never is it clear,How to pull it close and make it stay

Butterflies are free to fly, and so they fly awayAnd I\'m left to carry on and wonder whyEven through it all, I\'m always on your sideBut is there someplace far away, someplace where all is clear
